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[Ciclus] - Banner Mobile.png


Sustainable Engineering


Keys: Brand, Services, Entrepreneur, Sustainability

Resulting the union of four longtime friends, Ciclus is a startup that started its activities recently, in the year 2018. Each of its partners has formation in a different area of ​​engineering, civil, forestry, electrical and sanitary. This plurality of specializations came precisely attend the objectives intended by the company: the offer of services and projects with a focus on ecologically sustainable concepts. Within its portfolio of services, the company presents a wide range of options, from landscaping projects to the installation of photoelectric systems.


One of the main points of initial concern of the project was to consolidate concepts and ways of valuing the company's philosophy before the market. Because of this, as a stage prior to the creation of the identity, some basic management tools were applied to the owners. The purpose of this methodology, made mainly with beginning entrepreneurs, is to assist the process of recognizing the basic demands of your company and form an overview of your business model. Greater interaction at this stage also favored the further development of the company's concepts in visual identity.

[Ciclus] - Construção.jpg

One of the main challenges of the project was due to the development of a sign that could represent the profusion of areas that the company includes in its portfolio, as well as expressing its main philosophy through its iconography: offering ecologically sustainable projects.


The final developed propose has the union of the three main conceptual elements permeated by the company's services. The first representing the projects carried out on the users' properties, this being the main focus of the company's operations, whether residential, commercial or rural. The second element identifies the ecological aspect of his works in resonance with concepts of respect for nature. And finally, the elements of sustainability, derived from the Ciclus service, serving as an aggregating element of the two concepts mentioned above.

[Ciclus] - Conceito.png

After the sign development, a sampling was applied with 300 people. The research had two stages, the first based on the identification of the pictorial elements present in the brand and the second resulting from the interpretation that the sign promoted to the interviewees. The final result of the research was very encouraging, enabling the advent of the next stage, with the development of the company's color palette and logo. In its final result, the brand has four distinct signatures of the brand in its positive and negative summers.

As it is a company with unique characteristics, with different specializations areas in your partners, it was relevant to its identity that this aspect was valued. Thereat an iconography was developed to be applied in a complementary way in the company's pieces. These elements identify each of the areas of activity of its members, namely civil, forest, electrical and sanitary.

[Ciclus] -Elementos.png


Within the stationery development, one of the main purposes was to reduce the diversity and number of operational parts of Ciclus. Primarily the fact that it is a startup with reduced capital for investment, as well as raising awareness about the impacts of these productions. Still in this last aspect, all the supporting materials of its identity use raw materials from the recycling process and with low environmental impact.

[Ciclus] - Composiçao Papelaria.png

A lot textures of natural elements were used, including leaf veins, tree veins, plant roots, as predominant elements in the company's graphic section. The idea in the use of these images was to value drawings from nature itself, this characteristic linked to the materials used increases the rusticity of the pieces, helping the concepts that orbit the company's operation.

[Ciclus] - Pasta 2.png
[Ciclus] - Pasta.png
[Ciclus] - Cartão.png
[Ciclus] - Timbrado.png

The elements of the color palette complement the concepts covered since the development of the sign, facilitating the identification process with the company's operating segment. Inside the stationery there is a mix of signatures in its positive and negative versions, the intention was to break part of the austerity, giving greater versatility to the identity.

Extra Applications

The development of photoelectric projects is one of the main services present in the company's portfolio. This is mainly due to the exclusive credit lines for this type of project, because of this one of the first communication materials made for Ciclus was the information regarding the benefits of implementing solar panels in the residential environment.

[Ciclus] - Folder.png

In addition to this piece, a basic layout for the company's uniform was designed. As it is a work that involves several attributions, from meetings to field work, the idea was to use a design that could move satisfactorily through these demands, without making the piece plastered and very formal.

[Ciclus] - Uniforme.jpg

The purpose of developing this project is to subsequently foster the company's communication within the virtual environment. The two main avenues of this communication take place primarily through the website, which has the main function of bringing “institutionality” to the company's image, especially in the case of outsourcing projects of other projects to Ciclus. As well as the massive development of social networks, which has the function of humanizing and making contact between the company's philosophy and the general public.

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