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Publisher of the Federal University of Bahia


Keys: Books, University, Editorial, Layout

Editorial design is one of the most rewarding activities in the profession. In large part, this retribution comes from the fact that it relates its creation to another artist's artistic production, giving shape to the concepts and the environment that a work intends to transmit to its reader. “Don't judge a book by its cover” is not a true phrase, as most of the time good graphic work tends to arouse public interest in the content present in the book.


The period as a designer at Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia was very profitable, largely due to the group's climate, composed of experienced professionals in the area who leveraged my learning. The publisher's main challenge was due to its demands, composed mainly of academic publications, which by their nature present a greater austerity than in other publications, such as novels.

[Amor e o Tempo] - Mockup.png
[Amor e o Tempo] - Mockup Interno.png

In other situations, it was necessary to adapt part of the graphic project to a demand already linked by the author. As was the case with O amor eo Tempo, in which the author requested that an authorial painting be included on the cover of the publication, creating the challenge of merging a graphic project with an existing artistic production.


The publication People and Politics in Bahia was the first contact made with the publisher. The Director of the institution, until then, launched a contest among the students of the Faculty to make the book, with the first giving the opportunity to have his graphic project used in the publication. The project below was chosen, being a gateway to future partnerships with the Publisher.

[Amor e o Tempo] - Mockup.png

Deus e o Diabo no humor das mulheres (God and the Devil in women's humor) was the first complete graphic project developed within the publisher. The book, which is a set of short stories about the peculiarities of the female universe, had the author's desire to transmit a relaxed atmosphere to her readers. To meet this demand, the book's visual approach was inspired by cordel publications (native Brazilian literary production), commonly associated with regional humorous production. Elements with a finish similar to the woodcut technique were incorporated into the graphic design, the main means of reproducing the cordel leaflets. The book's internal design also follows these characteristics, with the addition of graphic elements and the use of typography in reference to a typewriter.

[Deus e o Diabo] - Mockup.png
[Deus e o Diabo] - Mockup Interno.png

Several developed productions were part of collections present in the publisher for a long time, having an already established graphic design. The challenge in these demands was to efficiently represent the topic addressed, as well as to seek a differentiation with the other volumes of the series. Políticas públicas (...), it is part of the largest collection of the publisher and had its graphic project based on artisanal productions present in the region of Salvador and Recife as representation of the two cities.

[Políticas] - Mockup.png
[Foucault] - Mockup.png

Other projects, such as Foucault and the transgression of pleasure (...), have deeper challenges. In this project, the author had a very specific demand regarding the graphic design of the cover, the application of an image with the representation of a ray and that had pink as its main tone. In addition to the cover development, the project also included the elaboration of the book's core and its layout.

[Foucault] - Mockup Interno.png

The Optimism of Practices, was one of the last projects developed for EDUFBA. In the case of the largest volume book developed by me at the institution, the objective in this demand was to create a graphic project that would break the perception of a dull academic book. The cover of the book, which brings thematic discussions on mental health, intends to employ a series of elements that convey a dialogue on the various facets of human emotions.

[Otimismo] - Mockup.png

The experience shared during this period at the publisher was extremely important for my improvement as a designer and growth as a professional. Other editorial projects were developed as a freelancer, with a medieval-themed novel in development at the time of this publication.

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