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Sobre Mim

Establish the difference



Hello, this guy is me, Marcello Vanzillotta, designer graduated from UFBA and currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in User Experience Design from PUC-RS. I've been in the market for almost a decade and I'm passionate about my profession, probably because I feel that design is a great tool to create new paradigms or infinite areas of activity. I see the profession as a great privilege, due to the possibility of facing different demands and developing particular solutions for each one, as no project is the same as the other.


One of the main guidelines with which I identify is the incentive to the culture of entrepreneurship. It has become an essential factor in my work to support people to use their time and talent in initiatives that bring real return to society, whether generating new opportunities, jobs or creating innovative elements.

Promoting new paradigms in the offer of products and services is an indispensable resource for companies and professionals who intend to reach high flights. Innovation brings with it an elementary requirement: differentiation. The different promotes the unusual, the contradictory, the unknown. And among these factors, there is a fundamental element for the creation and development of Unique compared to the common, the designer.

Áreas de Atividade

Activity areas

Over the years, my perception of design as a catalyst in problem solving has resulted in a very particular work methodology. In addition to a deep conceptual construction process, today I use a wide range of tools and multidisciplinary knowledge in my projects to meet the demands in an efficient and unique way.


Editorial and Print

Editorial projects have a unique role in understanding and presenting any informative content. With years of experience in this segment, my productions have a wide range of tools involving printed and digital media, from collections of books, magazines, catalogs and ebooks.


Social Media Management

In the segment of social media, there of a series of productions development. From customer service, planning of publications, creation of editorial lines and the development of all graphic content to be posted on these pages.


Branding and Management

This is one of the main creative vectors of my work. Visual identity projects, in addition to the development of sharp concepts and innovative applications, have a great differential: the use of management tools to assist the implementation of your business.


Photos and Video Edition

In the portfolio there are some support services for some productions. In the video segment, with content editing and animation creation. In photography, essays and all post-production stages of the images are developed.


Packaging and Product

My portfolio has a complementary segment to the projects, with conceptual elaboration, development of packaging families and prototyping of some products. These productions have intrinsic objectives, such as the appropriation of sustainable practices.


User Experience Design

Through the intuitive development, optimized and aesthetically refined projects, my productions aim to promote a refined user experience. Creations permeate segments such as websites, internal systems and applications.

The result of this dynamic is products with creative solutions and with great feedback from customers and their respective market niches. The advent of challenging projects is one of the main fuels for my work. It will be a pleasure to help you in your venture!

Are you curious? How about taking a look at my projects?

Ultimo Projetos

Lastest projects

 So, let`s talk? 


Bigorrilho - Curitiba, PR

+55 41 99153-7464  -  75 99841.7793

Ok =)



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