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Laboratory Medicine


Keys: Redesign, Site, Health, Laboratory

Founded in 1988, Estrela is one of the main references in cities in the interior of Bahia when it comes to laboratory medicine. The family-owned company has a central office that serves as a collection and analysis point for seven other units spread across the cities in the interior. To accompany its recent restructuring phase and strong investment in modern equipment, a process of repositioning the company's image began, starting with the development of a new visual identity for Estrela.



One of the main concerns of the owners was to give a new image to the company with a more modern aspect and to portray the progress that the company has in the scenario of biological analysis. However, due to the strong point of recognition of the public in the region with its previous brand, it was requested that the new brand aimed to preserve the main element of identification of the company and the family surname, Estrela. For this aspect, the first focus of the new identity was the reform of the company's sign, with bolder and cleaner lines.


Being one of the main graphic elements of visual identity, the supporting graphics were designed based on chains of elements of organic chemistry, such as glucose, and was developed to be one of the elements that besides the function of maintaining relation with the laboratory, has the role of carrying the concept of boldness beyond the logo, helping to make it perceptible in the unfolding of the visual identity.


Permeated by the concept of modernity, the chromatic palette has also been reformulated, presenting more contrasting institutional tones and a more vibrant appearance, resulting in a piece with greater visual appeal and with more contemporary characteristics. The logo also followed the same concept in its structure, adopting the same finish as the edges of the plate, with the semi-rounded points, transmitting greater unity in the whole of the brand.



In the company's institutional pieces, all of these concepts were worked on directly; moreover, most of these applications simulate a three-dimensional effect, having in these pieces the presentation of support graphics at the same time, without focus, in the background or in focus. , in the foreground elements. This application alludes to the flow of molecules found in the blood and analyzed in the laboratory, such as glucose, cholesterol and others.


Extra Applications

The family of uniforms developed for Estrela has different colors according to the employee's area of ​​activity and also specific versions for periods of cold or heat. As the company has a strong history of encouraging athletes in the region, sponsoring some runners and cyclists, an application was also created for this purpose, thus, in addition to the pieces used by the administrative and laboratory analysis sector, a running shirt was created with the applied star's identity.

After the creation of the new visual identity, the media kit was developed for social networks and the construction of the new Estrela's website. The construction of the new site aims to meet the new demands intended by the laboratory. With the offer of new services, the site now has a session with all the tests performed by the laboratory, in addition to the necessary guidelines for the procedure, in addition to having a new area where the user has access to the results of their online exam, avoiding the need to travel to a nearby unit to get the results. The site also has a session to request home collection for people with limited mobility. In addition to these factors, the page has some transient animations on the floating banner and the presence of integration with social network posts on its home page.


Following the process of restructuring the headquarters, the partnership also included the development of the laboratory installation project for the areas of care, blood collection for children, administration and analysis. In addition, the creation of all internal laboratory signage was carried out, with the development of families of indicative, informative, warning and guidance signs.


Seja uma Estrela (Be a Star)

The laboratory owners have always had a history of philanthropic actions with the local population. In view of this prerogative, during the period of development of the new identity of the laboratory, the action plan "Be a star" was developed. The aim of the plan was to encourage new policies for involving the laboratory, especially in the places where it was present.

All interventions, developed at least once a month, were covered with social actions, such as food collection, free exams, distribution of information materials for disease prevention, among others. In addition, on its social networks, Estrela carried out donation campaigns for local institutions.


Closing the production cycle, Estrela's visual identity manual was built. In its content, future users who will work with the visual identity parts of the laboratory will find a guide that presents standards and technical specifications essential for the preservation of the brand properties. Its objective is to facilitate its correct propagation, application, identification and memorization.

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