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[Buba] - Banner Site Grande.jpg
Banner Site Mobile 2.png


Air conditioning and Refrigeration


Keys: Redesign, Manual, Services, Refrigeration

Montfrio is a company founded in 1990, in Salvador. The enterprise's main areas of activity are the sale and maintenance of refrigeration equipment as well as solutions for air conditioning. In this redesign project, one of the main deficiencies of the old visual identity was due to the logo, which had serious problems, both from the aesthetic point of view, but also due to the misinterpretation that the element could pass through, alluding to something melted, inefficient.

[Montfrio Site] - Logo Antiga.jpg


The first redesign process was the construction of a sign, which did not exist in the previous version of the brand. Commonly related to the area in which the company sector, the snowflake turns out to be a safe choice, but at the same time it may end up giving a generalist guise to the identity if the sign does not present singular traits.

[Montfrio Site] - Sketches.png

Researching more deeply about the microscopic structure of ice flakes, it was found that in all its variations found in nature they have a hexagon in its base structure. Based on this information, several versions of the sign were developed to meet the prerogative of a sign that had a different look than other representations commonly found in the market.


Allied to this, the sign also came up against new concepts intended by the brand, such as the valorization of a strong company with modern characteristics.

Permeated by these concepts, the color palette used having colors consistent with the company's market segment, aims to complement the boldness concepts previously reported. For the logo construction process, the objective was to align its structure to some forms present in the sign, in order to make one element talk to the other.

Before the project presentation process, some researches were made with the public, having as main points the interpretation made by the people of the new brand, as well as a thermometer regarding the improvements that occurred to the detriment of the previous identity.



Within the stationery, the main element of the graphic segment was a pattern built with a grouping of the snowflake identical in the sign of the brand, a similar phenomenon to what occurs in nature. In addition, to break some of the rigidity of the identity, the pieces have alternating variations of the positive and negative versions of the brand.

[Montfrio] - Mockup Geral.png
[Montfrio] - Mockup Envelope C4.png
[Montfrio] - Mockup Timbrado e carta.jpg

Extra Applications

After the new logo presentation, other pieces for the company's identity were developed, at this stage the main demand was due to the communication pieces. This is due to the fact that it identified the standard and type of language that Montfrio would approach the public.

[Montfrio] - Propaganda.png
[Montfrio] - Moto.png

Another very important stage of the project was due to the development of the company's fleet. Having basically three types of vehicles to be served, passenger cars, motorbikes and a transport vehicle, the challenge was to create a visual language that at the same time was not costly and at the same time effectively unfolded the company's identity.

Branding Book

The branding manual was developed on the final part of the project. This piece is basically a set of essential technical specifications for the preservation of the brand's properties, with the objective of facilitating its correct propagation, application, identification and memorization. In this piece are described: all the chromatic references in different means of production, maximum reductions of the brand, extra applications, among several other elements. 

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