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[Naturmaré] - Banner Mobile.png


Travel and Tourism


Keys: Identity, Services, Tourism, Morro de São Paulo

My aim as a designer needs to extrapolate the stereotype of the professional in charge of developing aesthetically pleasing shapes and designs. In addition, I believe in the social function of my profession, in the responsibility of being a content creator for conscious consumption and also promoting new horizons for entrepreneurs. In recent years I practiced a habit that has yielded good experiences, at least every semester I have developed a project aimed at entrepreneurs who do not have access to a professional identity project.


This time the example is on behalf of Naturmaré, created by a tourism student, the company started with a small sales kiosk in Morro de São Paulo - Bahia. From the beginning, the initiative suffered from strong competition from large companies already established in the market, with much greater investment capital in infrastructure and communication. In view of this, the desire to support this project arose, offering a basic visual identity project free of charge.


Naturmaré's flagship product is the sale of boat trips between destinations in the archipelago, the owner signaled her intention to have a brand that would convey something related to this activity. The decision was the representation of hoisted candles with the silhouette of the sun in the background, reflecting an atmosphere of leisure and discovery, provided by the product offered by the company.


As it is a project with freer characteristics, some challenges were used on their own when developing the brand sign. An interesting part of this stage was due to its base construction, which used circles as the only graphic element for the development of the elements.

Complementing the basic stage of the project, the company logo and its legend were developed. The brand features signatures in horizontal and vertical versions. The chromatic palette used makes a direct allusion to the elements present in the sign, with yellow representing the sun and blue representing the maritime segment of the sidewalks. The project also foresees monochromatic applications for branding with institutional tones.

Institutional Applications

As a project with little investment capital investment in stationery, the project returned to production only for the company's operational applications. The intention in the development of these pieces was to ensure a uniformity for the identity, as well as to experience some possible developments for graphics and chromatic palette. As an initiative to break the rigidity of the graphic section, a swap with institutional colors was used, so part of the pieces have yellow as the main tone and in others there is a predominance of blue tones.

[Naturmaré] - Geral.png

To achieve greater harmony between the pieces and the brand, some special finishes were suggested in future stationery productions. Business cards have a sheet format, similar to structural elements of the brand, such as their edges and rounded shapes. Part of this initiative is also found in the company's two versions of envelopes.

[Naturmaré] - Mockup Cartão.png
[Naturmaré] - Mockup C4.png
[Naturmaré] - Carta.png

By the time the project started, within its daily operation, Naturmaré had three employees, all connected to the owner's family. They did not have a uniform, which often ended up discrediting and bringing an image of amateurism. To meet part of this demand, a basic layout of the uniform future was developed, the idea was to segment through the brand's color palette the two main functions present in the company, salespeople at the counter and field agents, who take the tours.


[Naturmaré] - Uniforme.png

With the enterprise growth and a greater capital injection into the company, the intention is for there to be greater exploration of the potential of the developed identity, as well as the definition of its sales and communication strategy with the public. Having the ability to finance a new project on its own, Naturmaré could become a promising partner for future partnerships.

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